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Youth OutBreak!!

Posted on Wed, Mar 18, 2015

Friday March. 20th 6:15-10pm at Gateway Alliance Church

Friday March. 20th— Outbreak Youth Event!  6:15p.m.-10:00p.m.

Meet at the church at 6:15p.m.  We will be driving to Gateway Alliance Church in Edmonton at 6:30p.m.  We will arrive back at Morinville Alliance church at 10:00p.m.  Make sure your yearly registration/driving waiver forms are signed so you can come!!

This is a super exciting thing!  Once a month youth groups from all over the Edmonton area are getting together.  There will be games, videos, activities and music.  There is a coffee and snack shop as well to just chill and relax with old and new friends. A committed team of professional musicians that are youth and young adults are there to lead worship and jam sessions.  This is such a great opportunity on so many levels!  I am super stoked about it.  Come check it out it is gonna be AWESOME! 

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