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Posted on Wed, Oct 24, 2012

Youth On Saturday Afternoon This Week



Meet at the church at 1:45p.m.

Leaving at 2:00p.m. and returning at 7:00p.m.


We will be going out to Don Green's Acreage for this event.

We will have a bonfire and weiner roast around 5:00p.m.

You must sign a driving waiver form for this event. They are available at the church. Please have them

signed by your parents ahead of

time and if you can tell us before

Saturday that you are coming that

would be GREAT as we are arranging drivers and we would hate to have


to turn people away because we dont

have enough room!

Grades 6 - 12 welcome to attend all Youth events

Get to know the gang.

You can always

bring your friends!

Lets have some fun!

   Discussion: YOUTH MAN TRACKER!!

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