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Youth Group Tuesday Nights

Posted on Wed, Nov 25, 2020

Updated info

Youth WILL MEET at the Church. Please note both provincial & town regulations are that masks be worn when inside the church.

 In response to the latest Alberta Public Health Measures (Nov 24th) which mandate masks,  & the recent Town of Morinville Mask By-Law.  Youth activities will be more centered around table based activities, Bible study format, with potential for outside activities like we have been doing when visiting Aspen House.  Under both Provincial & Town regulations the Church is NOT responsible for enforcement, but should Alberta Health, or Town of Morinville come to the church to enforce mask by-laws persons (youth or their parents) will be responsible for compliance with the by-law/ public health mandate or paying of any fine for non-compliance.

Below are the links to the latest Alberta Public Health Measures & Town of Morinville Bylaw



   Discussion: Youth Group Tuesday Nights

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