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Worship Services Attendance Capacity Increase

Posted on Fri, May 28, 2021

Effective May 28, 2021

Worship Services Attendance Capacity Increase – as per the Premier’s announcement, effective Friday May 28th In-Person Worship Services may return to 15% of the building fire code. So that means for MAC starting Sunday May 31st we can have a total of 68 people in the building. 36 in the Auditorium, and an additional 32 in the Foyer. To help facilitate this we recently have installed a 65-inch TV in the Foyer. The Service will be broadcast to that TV, in real time while the doors between the Auditorium & Foyer will remain open. Distancing and Masking remains in effect. We are excited to welcome more of you back to church and hope you will be able to join us soon! For now there will be no pre-registration, but if we reach capacity, we may have to implement that for future weeks.  

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