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Mr. Shawn Hubert - CEO of
Mr. Shawn Hubert - CEO of "RIPPLE EFFECT"
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SUNDAY, October 19th - 10:30am

Posted on Tue, Oct 14, 2008

Rev. Shawn Hubert Speaking: 'WHEN LIFE'S NOT FAIR'

Mr. Shawn Hubert is the CEO and Founder of "RIPPLE EFFECT LEADERSHIP"  an organization committed to "Investing in people of influence to have a positive impact in their relational environments, whole communites, and world." 
Shawn' passion has always been to speak on spiritual and leadership development topics.  He is passionate about developing key influencers to make a difference in the world.
He is also employed full time as the Staff Development Officer for Heritage Family Services.  He started with Heritage as the Program Coordinator of the Heritage Transitional Housing Program and was instrumental in starting the program in the fall of 2007.  In addition, Shawn manages the affordable housing suites for the company.
He has a Bachelor of Theology and spent 12 years in the full time Pastoral Ministry.  Recently as Lead Pastor of Parkview Alliance Church.  Shawn is currently holds  his Credentials with the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Canada.   Some of the highlights of his career have been taking teens on experience trips to Mexico, Thailand, and Burkina Faso.  Developing a Youth Center / Youth Non-alcoholic Sports Bar, and teaching area wide leadership development courses for local pastors and lay leaders.

Areas of interest are leadership development and public speaking.  He enjoys riding race motorbikes, playing volleyball, exercising, and spending time with his family.

You can learn more about Ripple Effect by going online at

   Discussion: SUNDAY, October 19th - 10:30am

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