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Papaveros NewsLetter

Posted on Thu, Dec 11, 2014

Prayer Partnering with Papáveros November update

Dear Fellow believers,Greetings from Camarma de Esteruelas! We hope you are enjoying this time of the year. In these months of Thanksgiving, we are very thankful for reaching the finish line of the Perspectives course, with the help of God. One of the concepts that we learnt is deciding to live as a World Christian, as David Bryant defines it, “Christians who live for the consummation of God’s redeeming purposes among all people.” As we make daily decisions, may we be an active part in God’s global purpose, with answering to the calling he places on our hearts.

Please keep praying for the building of relationships here in Spain. We have developed a relationship with the social worker at the Ayuntamiento (City Hall) and Pablo has had talks with the person responsible for community development.

W i t h our Friday night prayer team, we want to serve the community in the needs that they have an be salt and light to them. Please pray that there will be clear opportunities to serve in this way and that the “system requirements” will not be an impediment. We are supporting and helping one of the Alliance churches in Madrid. Silvina keeps teaching at the school. Please pray as we host a Thanksgiving dinner together with our prayer group. Vicky, our North-american friend and part of our group, will explain the meaning of this custom and relate it to how we can all take a time to be thankful to God. We will have activities for the kids and enjoy our time together. The focus will be our non-Christian friends so please pray that many will come.

Thanks so much for your faithful support towards our ministry and mission.

Thank you for your support and prayers for Naomi´s trip to Romania. She´s doing well and is encouraged to work with the Romanian and Gypsy kids.

May He bless you and keep you for His Glory!

Pablo, Silvina , Naomi , Benjamin, Jana and Micaela Papávero.






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