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MAC Connection

Posted on Wed, Aug 12, 2020

Weekly Church News

MAC Connection Aug 11

 Usually around this time in August we are running at full power with Summer JAM our kids day camp/VBS.  Since that can’t happen this year, each day this week on our Facebook page we will post FREE online resources courtesy of Group Publishing the creator of our Summer JAM program. These resources will include the Summer JAM Buddies, Bible Verses, the Bible Point, Stories, Songs & Music! Watch for each day’s Rocky Railway post. If you have kids check it out!

Here’s the link to the best VBS Sing Along – Episodes 1 & 2


Recently our Ladies Bible Study Group had an outdoor gathering. This was a great chance for the ladies to re-connect, since they hadn’t seen each other as a group since March. 


Morinville Alliance Church Giving for July: Target  $16, 525 Actual  $11, 177 Shortfall -$5348   


Prayer & Worship Event – this Saturday in Edmonton hosted by alumni from Vanguard College

A Night of Prayer & Worship is planned Saturday Aug 15th - 7:30pm at the Alberta Legislative Grounds. August 15th, 2020 730pm-930pm

Prayer & worship rally at the legislative grounds.

 Meeting between the Legislative steps and the reflecting pool.

from 730pm-930pm.

It is free and anyone can join.

A team will be leading us in worship. There will be individuals leading us in prayer.

Purpose: To pray for the brokenness in our world. In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus calls His people to be the light of the world. We have a purpose to reach the hurting.

For people to find true healing in Jesus and to see people call upon the His name (Acts 26:18; Phil. 2:9-11). Let us join in worship and prayer as a province. Let us stand together unified. Praying over

our homes, cities, province, nation and world.

We will be posting a prayer list to our social media prior to the event – if you have any prayer request please email: [email protected];

Facebook: Light of the World – Alberta; OR Instagram: LightoftheworldAlberta



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