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MAC Connection

Posted on Wed, Sep 2, 2020

Weekly Church News

Youth - starts Wednesday Sept. 16th  7-8:30pm at the Church

Ladies Bible Study – Wednesday Sept. 16th  9:30-11am at the Church Ladies Study will meet 2 Wednesday’s /month for now.

More info on other Groups coming soon!!

To allow for distancing measures & to limit traffic in the building only one group will meet/use the church building at the same time.

A.R.K. Children’s Ministry is planned to start Sunday Sept. 20th Extra sanitizing precautions/protocols will be implemented in the A.R.K. classrooms.  Under the AHS guidelines we are still NOT able to open the Nursery/Toddler room.

We will celebrate Communion this coming Sunday Sept. 6 in the Worship Service. We will take every precaution to ensure the elements are prepared safely. Stations will be set up where you can pick up the bread & cup. The bread will be in individual containers and the cups will be spaced out at the station. So that you only touch the ones you pick up for yourself. To avoid overcrowding Pastor Lewis will direct the rows when it is their turn to take Communion from the pickup stations. Please remember to maintain distance when picking up the elements.

   Discussion: MAC Connection

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