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MAC Connection

Posted on Tue, Sep 22, 2020

Weekly Church News

Fall Programs - Some Groups have started others starting soon!

“Rethinking Relationships” this study explores The Sermon on the Mount in the context of loving others, priorities & attitudes. Thursdays 7pm at the Church Starting Oct. 1st 

 Men’s Group  Tuesdays 7pm at the Church starts Oct. 6th

Youth – Wednesday’s 7- 8:30pm at the Church

Ladies Bible Study – next meets Wednesday Sept. 30th  9:30-11am at the Church Ladies Study will meet 2 Wednesday’s /month.

 “Soul Care”  7 Transformational Principles for a Healthy Soul. Mondays 7pm at the Church Starting Oct. 19th

To allow for distancing measures & to limit traffic in the building only one group will meet/use the church building at the same time.

ARK Children’s Ministry – Start date has been pushed back to Sunday Oct. 4th.  ***Activity bags for children to use in the Service will be available until then.*** Extra sanitizing precautions/protocols will be implemented in the A.R.K. classrooms when they open.  Teachers are needed for this ministry please sign up at the Welcome Center.  Under the AHS guidelines we are still NOT able to open the Nursery/Toddler room.

Counters needed please! We are looking for people to help count & record the Sunday offerings. Please contact the church office if you are available.  

   Discussion: MAC Connection

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