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Ladies Bible Study Begins January 19th

Posted on Sat, Jan 8, 2011

Wednesday Mornings 9:30 - 11:00am "Becoming A Woman Of Faith"

 "Becoming A Woman Of Faith"  All Ladies are invited to join Pat Parsons in discovering what it means to be a woman of Faith.  In this Bible Study best-selling Bible teacher Cynthia Heald offers a realistic perspective for today's Christian woman.  The study has been created to help you search the Scriptures & draw closer to God as you seek to grow your understanding & practice of faith. You'll identify with Cynthia's personal struggles to walk in faith & trust; you will learn from her insights from God's Word. 

Ladies are welcome to join us at the Church every Wednesday morning from 9:30-11:00am, beginning January 19th for this 11 week session. ( No Child Care Provided)

Please call Pat Parsons at  780-939-3624 to register.

"Becoming A Woman Of Faith" study book will be available fro $12.00 each on January 19th.  Bring your Bible, a pen & an expectant heart!

   Discussion: Ladies Bible Study Begins January 19th

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