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Follow Me Simulcast

Posted on Tue, Jul 30, 2013

7pm Wed. Aug. 14 @ Morinville Alliance Church

  Wednesday August 14, 2013

7:00 pm at Morinville Alliance Church

*** At 7pm Morinville Alliance will show a Re-Broadcast of the LIVE Simulcast,

which takes place earlier in the day Aug. 14, 2013***

Do you want to answer the call to follow Christ?

The call to follow Christ has never been an invitation to pray a prayer, believe a set of doctrines, or sit in a pew on Sunday mornings. Yet churches today are filled with people who seem content to settle for a casual association with Christ and a nominal adherence to His commands.

 This free Follow Me Simulcast will not only serve as a call to discipleship but will explore the depth of that call. Broadcast live in an area of the world where answering the call to follow Christ could mean risking your life, this message will challenge you, your group, and your church to take the next step in your relationship with Christ.

David Platt (Speaker)

Broadcasting live from an undisclosed location, David Platt will challenge you, your group, and your church to take the next step in your relationship with Christ. In this place where proclaiming Jesus could mean literally losing your life, Platt will invite us to forfeit our own lives for the sake of the gospel.





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