Posted on Sat, Oct 1, 2016:

OctoIbb 2016

Giving Thanks with grateful hearts

Our hearts are full as we reflect on all that God has done as a result of your prayers and because of His great love. He has provided for all of our needs protected, us from harm and danger, never abandoned us in all of life’s trying circumstances and filled our hearts with peace, joy and hope for eternity. More specifically, He has shown Himself to be powerful in the lives of those around us. As a result of your prayers, Baby Boubacar underwent surgery for hydro encephalitis and is now back at home. His parents heard the gospel and were loved by the staff at Hope Medical Centre here in Guinea. Mrs. MB (Mary) received xcellent care for her broken arm at Compassion hospital and also listened to a very clear presentation of the gospel in her own language, Pular. Mrs. LD’s (Lacy) brother’s chronic leg sore was completely healed through the care he received at Compassion as well and he was very touched by the staff’s kindness and their prayers for him. Lacy’s brother-in-law was at death’s doorwhen Dan rushed him to Compassion. He recently came to visit us, beaming from ear to ear with gratitude that he, too, has been restored to health. Jesus has poured His love out on these dear folks who have needed a touch from Him.

In our own lives, God enabled Dan to complete his doctorate and has opened up many doors for him to use what he has learned to encourage the church. Also, our kids are experiencing God’s blessing on their lives and ministries. We praise God! We thank Him and we thank you for your love and support and for you partnership.

To support us this month please direct all of your giving to the support of Dan and Melodie Ibsen via the Global Advance Fund through your local Alliance church.

Thanks for helping erase the deficit in the Global Advance Fund. It’s our bread and butter!

We are so thankful for all of you who pray and for God’s answers to those faithful prayers.

Family Needs Thanks so much for praying for Kyle, Maggie, Hayley and Barrett. You have likely heard that Hurricane Matthew has landed in Haiti in the last few hours. Here is the last word that we got from Kyle last evening: Our family as well as our staff has safe, cement homes to ride out the storm in. Many on the mountains will face the loss of not only crops but roofs, possessions and possibly experience landslides within the next 24 hours. We were already scheduled to be in many of these communities in the coming weeks, we will now be updating our assessment protocol to help better in response to this. If you pray, pray for Haiti. If you are able to give, there will be many projects in the coming weeks that need funding.

We appreciate your prayers for them today as they wait the storm out and emerge to evaluate how they can serve those who have been most significantly affected.

October 6th We will be flying to Dakar to spend Canadian Thanksgiving with Cori, Charles, Angela and Michiah. Please pray for safety in travel to Conakry tomorrow by road and then our flight to Dakar on Thursday evening, returning on the 11th and 12th.

October 15th Dan and our pastors will launch a Storytelling Training for Trainers program in our church. This has been on hold since we all went to Niger in 2014. Please pray that many in the church will join them and that this will be the beginning of a movement to Christ in Mamou amongst those of the majority faith.

October 24th to the 27th Our colleagues from Timbi Madina, including, Mark and Dee Krueger, Naomi and Howards, will be joining several from the Mamou church and us as we host an eyeglass clinic for the people of this community. Please pray that the Lord will be glorified as we work together to help those who need corrective lenses. Pray for strength, discernment and patience for those of us who will be evaluating people’s needs. Pray for Pastor Lucien and others as they pray for each one who comes. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give them discernment and sensitivity to each patient’s needs. Thanks for your partnership with us!







©2025, Morinville Alliance Church